Saclò Pedal

Dustbin for the collection of waste with the continuous bag system.

Suitable for different work environments, the Pedal dustbin is equipped with lid and pedal for a comfortable and hygienic use: hands remain free and do not touch the lid during the operation. The lid prevents unpleasant odors from escaping.

Areas of use
  • Food industry
  • Catering
  • Company canteens
Pedal Mini - Maxi

48×47 cm (Mini) – 57×60 cm (Maxi)
105 cm (Mini) – 107 cm (Maxi)
11kg (Mini) – 13kg (Maxi)
Material: AISI 304 stainless steel or painted steel

Thanks to the innovative continuous bag system, you will have the following advantages:


No contact with waste!


50% less time to change the bag.


Unrivalled practicality in bag change.


70% less plastic.


Equivalent to 5 traditional bags


Suitable for different work environments, the Pedal dustbin is equipped with lid with pedal opening for a comfortable and hygienic use: hands remain free and do not touch the lid during the operation. The lid prevents unpleasant odors from escaping.

Thanks to a support base equipped with wheels and to the continuous bag system, the Pedal dustbin is extremely effective for optimizing the collection and handling of waste, both in smaller environments where waste creates disorder, and in larger ones where handling represents an important cost factor, both in terms of means and personnel.

The Pedal dustbin is available in Mini and Maxi formats for different filling needs and waste sizes.

Separate waste collection is made easier thanks to the wide choice of refills available in 6 different colors and in the biodegradable version.

Buy continuous bag refill

Mini refill

Length: 60 m
Diameter: 357 mm
Material: 3-layer polyethylene


Maxi refill

Length: 110 m
Diameter: 570 mm
Material: 3-layer polyethylene


How does the innovative continuous bag system work?

3. CUT

When one bag is closed, the next is immediately ready to use!

The Saclò continuous bag system is based on a special “endless” bag (up to 110 metres long) which is unrolled, closed and cut every time the operator has to throw away the trash.

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